There has been a small period of silence from Ed Buzzerk in the last month, but for once it’s not a period of inactivity, but quite the contrary.  I have been extremely busy with projects that I was signed on for, mostly with the help of my dear friend Ali Haji (I love you buddy).

I have just handed in 3 CDs today to Alriwaq.  Each CD is a mix set of a different style to be used as the ambient soundtrack of the upcoming Market 338.  This project gave me an excuse to try out DJing with Ableton Live and my Akai MPK49 as a controller.  I REALLY MISS DJING!  You can hear the results at Market 338 starting on the 29th of this month.  I will soon be uploading them to mixcloud as well, so be sure to check my page:

Today I completed one of five tracks commissioned for use in “footage”.  I will reveal more once I complete more material.  What I can say now is that it is giving me the opportunity to showcase why I use the “BUZZERK” part of my name.

If you want to receive exclusive previews of my tracks before they go public, then follow me on soundcloud.  If you’re not on soundcloud then send me your email address and I will add you to the mailing list.

Keep supporting local talent.  Without you we have no purpose.